With this release, your patients are getting an elevated experience when they use your app. Patients using your app for the first time have an easier and more transparent flow and they can also validate their mobile numbers. The patient profile in the app also gets a new design for more direct access. Healthcare professionals also get a video consultation boost, since they can easily call patients again in cases they have terminated a call prematurely. Office users can enjoy our fine-tuning of different functions and as usual, the regular bug fixes. Enjoy the new Visiba Care!
Contains releases: Office web 5.1.0, Android 2.16, iOS 3.19, Patient web 4.19
Healthcare professionals
- You can now call patients from the calendar even after the termination of the consultation, provided that this happens within the planned appointment time.
- The reception list is now sorted alphabetically.
- In My appointments, meetings are now displayed in correct order.
- Users see a pop-up message if the camera fails when entering the call.
- The error message for appointment conflicts when re-booking an appointment is now improved.
The following issues have been fixed:
- Notifications when a patient enters a drop-in queue are now only sent to healthcare professionals who have access to that room instead of everyone.
- Clicking the link to the call included in the e-mail now works – even if you’re not logged in from before.
- Rotating profile pictures now works correctly.
- The reception list is now sorted alphabetically.
The following issues have been fixed:
- All extra and additional spaces are automatically removed after clicking Save, when adding data for a new user (e.g. before: " address@email.com" – now: "address@email.com".
- Payments for messaging are now visibly categorised as Messaging.
- Rotating profile pictures now works correctly.
- The reception list is now sorted alphabetically.
- The error message for appointment conflicts when re-booking an appointment is now improved.
The following issue has been fixed:
- Rescheduling from one healthcare professional to another now works normally again.
- Remade and improved registration flow for patients using the app.
- New and improved design for the patient’s My profile view in the app.
- Patients can now validate their mobile phone number with an SMS code when entering or changing it.
- Users see a pop-up message if the camera fails when entering the call.
The following issues have been fixed:
- Reduced risk of creating multiple swish payments.
- In some cases, patients were seeing the wrong healthcare professional profile picture.
- Receptions without services are now not accessible to patients.
- Resolved problems logging in to a non-visible reception as guest.
- Reduced risk of creating multiple swish payments.
- Patients can approve the Privacy Policy and Terms of condition with Voiceover.
- Queue information is now loading properly when entering a drop-in room.
- Reduced risk of creating multiple swish payments.