Visiba Care messages revamped!

Simon Leppänen

For this release, we put all hands on deck to add more value to the Message function: Collaboration between healthcare practitioners in patient cases via messaging becomes seamless, with the options of adding a colleague to a conversation and sending them a message that is not visible to the patient. The messaging workflow also becomes easier, with file preview and line break options. Your patients also get an improved experience with the app permissions. Find out more below and enjoy the new Visiba Care!
Contains releases: Office web 5.36, Android 3.36, iOS 3.36, Patient web 4.36, Red Robin 1.36.

Healthcare practitioners



  • In messaging conversations, you can now easily create a line break by pressing Enter. Pressing Enter previously would send the message.
  • You can now preview the attached files in messaging conversations before sending them.
  • Healthcare practitioners can invite a colleague to participate in an ongoing messaging conversation.
  • There is also a new possibility for collaboration by sending a message to a colleague in an ongoing case, that will not be visible to the patient.


  • The payment option Manual by holder is now removed from the invitation flow since it does not have any effect on the patient.

Red Robin

  • You can now view a changelog of all the changes in urgency.
  • Some improvements were made in the Allergy area.
  • The urgency is reduced in certain cases where triage identified the urgency as inappropriately high.




  • The payment option Manual by holder is now removed from the invitation flow since it does not have any effect on the patient.




  • Patients can now enter the call without giving permission to the app to use push notifications.

Red Robin

  • Certain Red Robin flows now have an improved design to align the complete flow better.


  • Providing permission for the app to use the camera, microphone, and push notifications is improved: It will be displayed only when the patient expects it. Android will follow in a later release.



  • A discoloured area in My cases is now fixed.
  • All receptions are now searchable when a user is selecting a reception.

Red Robin

  • In some cases, tapping on Starta om made the age and gender submissions disappear. This issue is now fixed.

Embassy APIs



  • Get practitioner (healthcare professional) by VisibaCare ID
  • For a healthcare service (reception), get a list of practitioners with rights on that reception.
  • Added information to patient profile about whether or not the patient has given consent to send notifications by mail and/or telephone.
Simon Leppänen
Visiba Group AB
Adolf Edelsvärds Gata 11 Göteborg, 414 51
Phone: 0761993666