Read all about the new functions, improvements, and bug fixes made in the new Visiba Care release on December 16th, 2021.
Contains releases: Office web 5.44, Android 3.44, iOS 3.44, Patient web 4.44, Red Robin 1.44.
Healthcare practitioners
- The Drop-in view is updated with improved design including the new list design.
- In the invitation flow for appointments where payment does not need to be configured, the payment step will be skipped to make the flow more efficient.
- For users using a username and password to log in to the service, the password policy is updated when creating or updating a password.
Red Robin
- Symptoms will not be grouped in the patient summary.
- In the Invitation flow for appointments where payment does not need to be configured, the payment step will be skipped to make the flow more efficient.
- For users using a username and password to log in to the service, the password policy is updated when creating or updating a password.
- For users using a username and password to log in to the service, the password policy is updated when creating or updating a password.
- In payment view, for bookings that have been rescheduled, the original meeting time was shown. This issue is now fixed.
- We are finally launching the first step towards a completely rebuilt and greatly improved patient web, starting with the new home page for customers with multiple visible clinics in the patient interfaces! This is a huge milestone in increasing ease of use for your patients, and for making digital care more accessible and equal for everyone. Read more about the new home page here.
- Deeplinking parameters were disregarded when entering a booking flow via deeplink, and logging in by clicking the button in the top menu. This issue is now fixed.
- When changing your name, phone number, or e-mail address in My profile, the keyboard hid the Save button. This issue is now fixed.
iOS, Android, Web
Red Robin
- It was possible to submit more information, even if the connection was lost. This led to the perception that the information was sent, which it wasn’t since there’s no connection available. This issue is now fixed.