Visiba Care – Release Notes

Smarter flows in appointment templates

Written by Simon Leppänen | Feb 11, 2021 6:16:00 AM

Making bookable times available to your patients now becomes easier for you as healthcare professionals. Similar appointment templates in the calendar are highlighted with selection of the same template and you can also filter your appointment templates by price. Additions in easier administration include an overview of forms in messaging conversations as well as the possibility to copy forms with the click of a button. You can also invite a patient to an appointment from a message, with all the patient details prefilled! Top that with optimised flows for patients, improved video stability in Android, and go ahead and enjoy the new Visiba Care!
Contains releases: Office web 5.13, Android 3.31, iOS 3.31, Patient web 4.31, Red Robin 1.31.

Healthcare practitioners



  • When hovering over or selecting an appointment template from the calendar, the bookable times on your calendar based on that template will be highlighted.
  • In My appointments the appointment card is always visible, even when scrolling in a long list.
  • You can now invite a patient to an appointment from a messaging conversation. You will be redirected to the appointment invitation flow, with all the patient's information pre-filled.
  • You can now copy questions and answers from a form to a clipboard with the click of a button.


  • When clicking on an item from the Calendar overview, you are now directed to the correct view – if it is an appointment booking, the appointment card opens.
  • When inviting to an appointment from a bookable time, the reception is automatically selected from the reception where the bookable time is available in.
  • If an appointment is canceled, it is now removed immediately in My appointments when switching to the calendar view, a function that required the page to previously refresh.
  • The form answers related to a messaging conversation are now presented to the right of the messaging view, making both the conversation and the form answers visible at the same time.


  • It is now possible to filter appointment templates by price in the appointment templates view.
  • When inviting a patient with representative in the appointment invitation flow, the representative ID does not disappear anymore.
  • When clicking on an appointment template from the template bar in the calendar, the label template number has been changed to the accurate template name.
  • Physical/On-site appointments are no longer marked as completed if the appointment is canceled before its start time.
  • When sharing the screen in a full screen view during a video consultation, the view turned black; This issue is now fixed.




  • When hovering over or selecting an appointment template from the calendar, the bookable times on your calendar based on that template will be highlighted.
  • In My appointments the appointment card is always visible, even when scrolling in a long list.
  • When copying end editing appointments and bookable times, schedulers are now prevented from changing items on receptions where they don't have permissions.
  • In the calendar overview, with a reception selected from the reception dropdown, schedulers can now filter appointments for a specific patient by social security number (personnummer).


  • When clicking on an item from the Calendar overview, you are now directed to the correct view – if it is an appointment booking, the appointment card opens.
  • It is now possible to filter appointment templates by price in the appointment templates view.
  • When inviting a patient with representative in the appointment invitation flow, the representative ID does not disappear anymore.
  • When inviting to an appointment from a bookable time, the reception is automatically selected from the reception where the bookable time is available in.
  • If an appointment is canceled, it is now removed immediately in My appointments when switching to the calendar view, a function that required the page to previously refresh.


  • When clicking on an appointment template from the template bar in the calendar, the label template number has been changed to the accurate template name.
  • When creating a new appointment template, the interface would sometimes freeze; This issue is now fixed.
  • Physical/On-site appointments are no longer marked as completed if the appointment is canceled before its start time.




  • Physical/On-site appointments are no longer marked as completed if the appointment is canceled before its start time.
  • It is now possible to filter appointment templates by price in the appointment templates view.




  • There is now better management of the booking flow when a user is at the stage of payment. The user can now cancel the payment without exiting the flow.


  • Updated to latest version of the Twilio video engine, providing better stability and crash management.
  • Files can now be downloaded from an external website within the app.


  • When a user is logged out, screen readers can now notify the user about the need to log in when trying to access content where a login is required.


Red Robin

  • Red Robin now appears in smaller screens in a better and improved way.


  • Fixed a scenario which caused an echo in a video consultation.


  • The interface was not adapting properly to a longer speciality text; This issue is now fixed.
  • Part of the Google play url was added to link to App Store; This issue is now fixed.
  • Patients using the app in secondary languages were unable to change reception if that reception’s name was missing; This issue is now fixed.